Receiving the first stage of the Database system by Giganet company to the standardization and Quality Control Authority

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On 8l8l2017  the meeting was held under the supervision of  Dr, Sabah Youssef  Al_Maleh with Qiganet company  for  the purpose of receiving  the first  stage of the database system.

In a ccordance  with the contract, the company has established this system for the standardization and quality control authority for a period of one year.

The meeting was attended  by the Director of  Quality Control , the Director of Accounts, the Director of Standardization and Director of the legal affairs section of the authority and they agreed on the draft.

According to the contract and after the delivery of the first stage of the system, the company is responsible to train the staff of the department of  Information Technology on how to work on the system as well as the company shall be responsible for correcting any defect in the system for one year.

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